Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Race Difference

Conflict mounted between God Sun and Goddess Moon, the conscious and subconscious resembling man and women, the left and the right brain, the cerebrum and the cerebellum. Sun said “I am almighty, I am perceptible, and I reside till crack of dawn. I am incident and affairs pertaining to creature’s apprehension are lettered down in my globe of bonfire. I am supercomputer, chock-full of reminiscences of entity’s know-how. I can rejoin you with any inquiry. I am occupied with wakefulness. Tell me what are you upto ‘O Scintillating, mesmerizing beautified symbol’
The intuition, sub-consciousness, silhouette answered “Lord! You confine only that fraction which one can see or visualize. Only five percent of brain. Who will account the concealed vigor, the intellectual capacity of the buried muscle lying down in the interior of one’s soul? You call me for VIBGYOR, but what about the hues gained by the blend of diverse blush.
Please do not subject me for my changeable contour. I am born with it and serve the divinity. I remind the nature of their factual authority. I stay with them when they need me the most. I ring a bell in their psyche and energize them to ponder over their authentic self. I summon them repeatedly to rediscover their resourceful attitude. Though I resonance dull and fragile in front of you but you know the beauty lies in the fact that I am well-built than you. I know what intelligence can perceive and gifted enough to burrow up the sense of the phenomenon.

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