Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Realization & Correction

If you're looking for the guilty, you only need to look into a mirror !!

"It is man's intrinsic and irreducible self-responsibility to humanize himself, to exercise his entire range of rational and moral resources to raise his mode of being and seeing and acting above not just that of animals, but also above that of the majority of subhuman (never to be self-realized) humans who will never draw themselves into a self-punishing position of focal self-diagnosis and self-acountability."

Today, man commits a mistake but puts the blame on someone else or to his situation. He doesn’t think twice in saying that we were forced to take such decision because of the laid circumstances. Why to blame a situation? Why not to blame your attitude? Why not question your sense of sensing and perceiving the condition? He points out the idiocies of others, but fails to see his own stupidities. Man speaks and read about so many good things and never fails to call it as a part of his personality. But the irony is, he always fails when it comes to actions. What is the use of reading good books like “How to be a winner” if you haven’t learned the basic theory of how to be a winner in your own eyes. Was it read just to speak fancy statements in public? Your own actions finalize and overwrite your sayings and thoughts. Even if you give a thought and look back at your deeds, you yourself will get each and every answer. Try and justify that whatever you have done to others was it always “kind and human”? Most of the times, we simply do not pay attention to our inner-self to cross check our deeds and the reason can either be of the two options.  First is: we already know that we have participated in a wrong behavior irrespective of the fact that only mistakenly mistake was committed or that time situations lead to our thoughtless behavior by jamming our wisdom. Second is we just don’t wish to make ourselves feel low and thus escape the past mistakes and say “jo hua so ho gaya, abb kya sochna, jaane do, aage ka dekho”. Aren’t we committing a mistake over a mistake by neglecting the faults of the past happenings? My concern to write this post is not just to make all of us realize that we should do the post-mortem of previous actions and learn something out of it so that future can be toned up accordingly but to bring out the point that not only realization is important but also correcting it is equally or more important. Realize your mistakes and correct it. I mean exactly what was tried to portray in the movie “Bachna aye Haseeno”. Ranbeer Kapoor cheated on three girls but in the last he realizes his mistake and get back for the punishment. I do not wish to go in deep and to have a dialogue about other points of the movie but to tell that realization and correction should go hand in hand. There is no use of self-realization without correction as the end point has not reached. If you have done a mistake, which we all do in a way, then please don’t hesitate to accept the mistake. To err is human but to accept & correct the err is “real and alive human”. I know the toughest thing on this planet is to accept one’s mistake and attitude but to admit it openly is the biggest example of proving the “Virtuous You”. Not every one can do it. I have no idea about others but in my eyes that person or I myself will situate him/her with far more respect and love. For me the real defeat is “if I fail to stand in my own eyes”

Note: I came across the thought "if you are looking........" in my friend's blog and have tried to explain it or to add up in the analysis with another point of view.


  1. Bravo...bravo..."real defeat is when one fails to stand in one's own eyes". The undeniable truth behind a person's success and destiny are the very same words. But I am not entirely convinced with the "err & accept" principle. To err is human, to accept & correct is real human; but what about forgiveness ?? To forgive someone is far more important and needs real strength than accepting the mistake. Nowadays everybody accept mistake for the sake of doing it- The important thing is to truly mean it from the heart & the other/s should forgive that mistake.
    Small e.g.- Angulimala tried to kill Buddha but couldn't; he admitted his crimes & asked for forgiveness. Buddha forgave him and he joined the brotherhood. He became a Buddhist yet the villagers couldn't forget his evil past deeds, they stoned him to death. Who was the strongest of all ?? Forgiving plays as important role as acceptance, because "ek haath se taali nahi bajti"
    Rest Shweta you have taken a great angle to analyze the line. After all "If you are looking for the guilty, you only need to look into a mirror" :)

  2. Thanks Kush for pin pointing the forgiveness virtue.....yh I too agree that if some one is realizing and accepting the mistake infront of the other then one should have virtue and enough strentgh to forgive the mistaken person.......we all our born to do faults and no one can stay idealistic at all the times...we can at our best try to follow the path which is right and the best in our eyes but at times we genuinely commit a mistake and surely one who can forgive the other's mistake has got a big heart..
