Her name and her deeds were synonyms of each other. How a word “white” can be a synonym? Well, her values and her perception about her surroundings were very clear and transparent, without a mix of any sin, as apparent as color white. Again, how a 10 year old child can hold principles? Hmm, I told you she was different!! Though she never knew the explanation of her acts in words but was eligible enough to hear the sound of her conscious. Whatever she read from books or she heard from her elders she made a good note of it.
She was a real jolly female. She had loads of friends. Among them was Seema Nayyar. Seema was a daughter of society sweeper. They belonged to schedule caste. “Don’t play and don’t be a friend with a girl from such a low class background. There are complaints against you from other society people. You are ruining yourself as well as their children also by allowing her to play with your group. I should not see you with her anymore” Vellai’s parents shouted.
Vellai listened to her parents and did not utter a single word in reply. They took her silence as “I agree upon!”
Next day, she told her playmates that she is resigning from the post of play group. Now, both seema and vellai made their separate group and started playing. Since, Vellai was very good at handling the post of play group and devise the daily activities, she was badly missed by her friends and they too later joined her with Seema. All well! Nice!
One day group was playing cricket and being a superb player Vellai hit the ball across the boundaries (she used to strike well at bouncer balls :-)). The whole gang went to other society in the search of ball. They found it but to her surprises her gang was all busy playing with puppies. Vellai after checking out the anger of puppy’s mother warned her friends.
Fiery she-dog chased all of them. Hush-bush everyone ran!!! Except her. O man, she resided with the fact that one should not run if an animal chase you, be quiet! stay back and apparently animal will also cool down. Heheheheh. Poor fellow and was the only victim of she-dog. Her small and thin leg was quite fit inside the jaws of dog representing a full bone!!
Everyone ran away except one. Yes, seema came back for her help and forcibly gripped the mouth of the frightened dog and shook the dog away. Wow!! What an example of bravery.
Till then society people landed down for help. Nothing happened to Vellai and seema, both were safe. Vellai got only few scratches on her leg.
Guess!! This was a return of favor.
Left to readers to understand, from where does this piece of strength came in both the kids- to go against parents, society and to compete with a dreadful animal.
I personally feel if you do right with right intention you are always guided and helped by your inner constitution and for sure there is no stage of our living at which it starts working. It is with us right from the birth, you just need to realize it!!
No matter how worse a situation is, no wonder if people support you, no upsets if you are generally misunderstood by the society: if you do good and remain fair with your deeds, even when situations do not allow you, in return you are definite to receive and realize its result and thus feel the blessings of the divine!
Well, my name also means "white" in Hindi language :-)
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